Estd. 2002
Jagdamba Education Society's

Santosh N Darade Polytechnic (Yeola)

Approved By- AICTE, New Delhi, DTE, Mumbai, Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai

Rules & Regulation

  1. Identity card and borrower cards are must while visiting the library.
  2. Library members are requested to make entry in attendance register during their visit in the library.
  3. Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.
  4. Students can issue FY 2, SY 03, TY 04 books on library borrow cards for 7 days.
  5. During Lecture hour’s No Books will be issued to students.
  6. Loss of I-Card/Borrower cards should be reported to the librarian immediately.
  7. Students are requested to keep Reference book/journals / Magazines within the library premises only against l-cards.
  8. On loss of library book, user shall replace the same with a brand new copy or to pay the amount decided by library committee.
  9. Writing of scribbling on or tearing of pages of library books, newspapers, periodicals prohibited & will be liable for strict action.
  10. No library material will be taken out of the library without the permission of the Librarian.
  11. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories and other reference books will not be issued to the students.
  12. Students must return their Library Card, at the end of their course or at the time of their leaving the college whichever is earlier.
  1. Readers are requested to observe strict silence in the library.
  2. Students must carry their Identity card with them, whenever they visit the library.
  3. Mobile phone not allowed in the library premises.
  4. Members are required to keep their bags/belongings on the storage rack.
  5. Discussions and chit-chatting are not allowed in the library.