Estd. 2002
Jagdamba Education Society's

Santosh N Darade Polytechnic (Yeola)

Approved By- AICTE, New Delhi, DTE, Mumbai, Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai


Civil Laboratory
Sr. No. Name of Lab List of Major Equipment’s Cost Name of lab in charge Name of Lab assistant
01 Computer Aided Drawing Lab Computers 30 Nos                                                                   438400 Mis. Dane M.A MR. Gaikwad V. A.
02 Geotechnical Engineering Lab Loading Machine, Load Frame , Balance (5 nos), Oven (2 nos) 403340 Mrs. Kolhe S.N.  MR. Gaikwad V. A.
03 Survey Lab Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Microoptic Theodolite, Digital planimeter, Auto Level, Transit Theodolite, Dumpy Level. 802260 MR. Ahire R.N.  MR. Gaikwad V. A.
04 Testing of Materials Lab Universal Testing Machine, Compression Testing Machine, Izod Charpy Testing Machine, Tile Abrasion Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine . 402875 MR.CHATUR R.S MR.WAHUL S.B
05 Public Health Engineering Lab B. O. D. Incubator, Muffle Furnace, C. O. D Apparatus. 119408 MR. GANDOLE V.A. MR.WAHUL S.B
06 Engineering Mechanics Lab Single purchase Crab, Double Purchase Crab, Screw Jack, geared Pulley Block, Universal Force Table, Friction Apparatus, Worm And Worm Wheel. 953949 MISS. BHARUD S.P. MR.WAHUL S.B
08 Concrete technology lab Air permeability apparatus, IS sieve, moisture sieve shaker , electronic balance, le-chat apparatus ,CTM, mould, vibrating table ,aggregate impact, los Angeles ,aggregate crushing value. slump cone test ,measuring cylinder 445340 MR.SONAWANE S.K. MR.WAHUL S.B